Labour Calls For ‘Cost-of-Living Emergency’ Declaration

Plymouth Labour is calling on the council to declare a cost of living emergency and set up a cross-party taskforce to help Plymothians through the emerging crisis.

The party is planning to bring a motion to full council next month prompted by the rise in energy bills and inflation.

“This morning’s news about the significant, and quite frankly terrifying, rise in the energy price cap has decided us that we need to be calling for some significant steps from the council to help the people of Plymouth,” said Councillor Jemima Laing, deputy leader of Plymouth Labour.

“The Conservative government is in complete limbo and ministers don’t appear to understand the gravity of the situation.

“People living in Plymouth need help now and we need the council to approach this as an emergency.”

The motion will call on the council to set up a taskforce with partners from across the city and to open council buildings such as libraries as “warm banks” for people to keep themselves warm if they are unable to afford having the heating on at home in the coming months.

“When there are estimates that up to 50% of UK households will be in fuel poverty by next year we really do need to the government to step up and help people but there are things the council can do too and they are what our motion will be calling for,” said Cllr Laing, a Stoke ward councillor.

“I hope it will be supported across the chamber.”